Oracle Oracle Database: Introduction to SQL

This Oracle Database Introduction to SQL training teaches you basic concepts of relational databases and the SQL programming language.It will help you write subqueries, combine multiple queries into a single query using SET operators and report aggregated data using group functions. Learn this and more through hands-on exercises.


Administrator, Analyst, Developer


Data processing, Familiarity with data processing concepts and techniques


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Längd 5 dagar
Ditt pris 31 950 kr exkl. moms
Klippkort Ja
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  • Understand the basic concepts of relational databases ensure refined code by developers.
  • Create reports of sorted and restricted data.
  • Run data manipulation statements (DML).
  • Control database access to specific objects.
  • Manage schema objects.
  • Manage objects with data dictionary views.
  • Retrieve row and column data from tables.
  • Control privileges at the object and system level.
  • Create indexes and constraints; alter existing schema objects.
  • Create and query external tables.


  • Identify the major structural components of the Oracle Database 12c
  • Create reports of aggregated data
  • Write SELECT statements that include queries
  • Retrieve row and column data from tables
  • Run data manipulation statements (DML) in Oracle Database 12c
  • Create tables to store data
  • Utilize views to display data
  • Control database access to specific objects
  • Manage schema objects
  • Display data from multiple tables using the ANSI SQL 99 JOIN syntax
  • Manage objects with data dictionary views
  • Write multiple-column sub-queries
  • Employ SQL functions to retrieve customized data
  • Use scalar and correlated sub-queries
  • Create reports of sorted and restricted data

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